Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Pernyataan Pertama Bahasa Inggris Bisnis Saran dan Contoh

Nama    : Riyani Puspa Pembayun
Kelas     : 3EB03
NPM      : 26210085
Matkul  : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2#

1.       Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Grades (marks) encourage student to learn. Use the spesific reason and example to support your opinion.

I agree with the statement that the value of encouraging students to learn. Because students assume that the value of a given teacher appreciation the efforts of the students in completing the task assigned by the instructor. So, in the absence of values, students can not be motivated to learn.

For example, if students are given the task from their teacher and the task just checked and corrected without any assignment, student will surely be disappointed and feel lazy to do the next tasks.

Conversely, if students scores on the tasks they had finished, the students will definitely know how well they completed the tasks given tacher, and the value that students receive can also motivate students to continue learning, especially if the value obtained is satisfactory. However, if the value obtained is less than satisfactory, the value is still able to encourage students to learn in order to improve the value.

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